This switching device is used for the switching of no-load circuits in the MV switchgears cabinets or in MV switching stations. The disconnector drives can be either of electric motor or hand operated type, with manual actuation of the electrical drives. The QAKZ marking denotes the QAK disconnectors, completed with an earthing switch.
Rated voltage: 1 – 123 kV
Rated current: 100 – 8000 A (for higher current use disconnector type QAS)
Rated shorttime current 1s (3s): 16 – 120 kA
Rated dynamic current: 40 – 300 kA
Rated frequency: 50 Hz (16 Hz, 60 Hz)
Mechanical endurance: 2000, 5000, 10000 (60000) C-O
Minimum lifetime (years): 40
Drive type: Hand drive, Hand drive via gearbox, motor drive
Motor type: 12V DC, 24V DC, 48V DC, 60V DC, 110V DC, 220V DC, 230V AC, 400V AC
Signaling positions: Limit switches per position, placed direct on main device shaft, Auxiliary cam-switch (high switch capacity)
Insulators type: Epoxy resin, porcelain (upon request)